Wayland Passive House
This 4,500-square-foot home was the first certified passive house in Wayland, MA. The existing home on the site was completely deconstructed piece by piece and recycled. The new home was designed to be efficient, allowing the owners to age-in-place. The Wayland Passive House features a solar photovoltaic system, Tesla battery backup, air-tight construction, super-insulation, triple-paned windows and doors, and passive ventilation. The house was designed to minimize the use of foam in the enclosure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from insulation. Rainwater from the house is harvested and collected in a cistern for use for irrigation. A unique element of the Wayland House is a stained glass art piece representing the Badi’ (Baha’i) solar calendar.
BUILDER: Auburndale Builders
ARCHITECT: Donald Grose, D. L. Grose & Associates
PASSIVE HOUSE CONSULTANT: Michael Hindle, Passive to Positive
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