Spring is here and at Auburndale Builders could not be happier! Not only because we love more hours of daylight and seeing the landscape becoming greener but also because it means that we’ve been to the NESEA conference!
BuildingEnergy Boston, the conference hosted by the Northeast Sustainable Energy Association (NESEA), is a great opportunity for people interested in high-performance building and design, energy efficiency and renewable energy to meet and learn more about the newest products, building solutions and policies and programs.
As devoted high-performance builders, we use this conference to meet fellow builders and share best practices, reconnect with vendors to learn about improvements in products and expand our network of people interested in passive home building.
Some of our favorite takeaways from our days at the conference are:
TimberHP (timberhp.com) – This new company in Maine is producing renewable, locally sourced wood fiber insulation. Wood fiber insulation is a critical part of our high performance building process and we are excited to have a U.S.-based company to work with for our insulation needs.
Minotair (minotair.com) – This product takes heat pumps to a whole new level! We have used this air treatment unit in a recent project and love the fact that one mechanical system can handle ventilation, some heating, some cooling and dehumidification.
High performance home building is becoming more mainstream. We met a number of people who are interested in learning more about the process. We will be hosting a passive house tour soon to be announced! Where attendees will be able to see the design as well as the mechanical features of the home. Stay Tuned!
The NESEA conference is a great way to make sure that we’re staying updated on new products and processes and make great contacts to help on future projects. We look forward to the next opportunity!